It is very common to get out of your day to day routine while traveling. No Gym? No problem! Here are 5 ways that I like to stay active while traveling:

DO YOUR RESEARCH See if there are any fitness studios around your hotel. Many studios will have first-time customer specials like a free class or 2 for 1 deal. Check out for some studio suggestions in some of my favorite cities.
GO FOR A MORNING RUN I love going for a run in a new city before the shops are open and the hustle and bustle of the day starts. It’s a great way to get acquainted with the area and an active way to explore. Be sure to have a few landmarks to ensure you find your way back to your hotel.

RENT A BIKE One of my favorite city tours is exploring a new destination by bike! It’s a great way to see the neighboring areas from where you are staying, covers a lot of space in faster time, and it’s a great way to stay active. Some of my favorite cities that I have explored by bike are Sydney, Australia and Buenos Aires, Argentina. Look into a bike tour or check on a city bike rental experience, similar to New York City’s Citi Bike.
LOOK FOR LIVE STREAMING So many studios and fitness methods are live streaming workouts. Download a few classes prior to traveling and be sure that they don’t require props (weights, balls, etc.) This is a great option in your hotel room or in a nearby park.
FIND ACTIVE EXCUSIONS Along with a bike tour, many destinations allow for active experiences. From hiking to kayaking, snorkeling and walking city tours, there are so many companies that offer tours which don’t just involve sitting on a bus.
Want more suggestions on a specific city? Check out for details.
Shelby Albo is a Travel Specialist in New York City and a boutique fitness instructor. Follow her "fit" travels on Instagram @TravelFitLove and be sure to tag your own active experiences using #TravelFitLove