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How to treat yourself on valentine’s day – whether you’re single or in a relationship

How to treat yourself on valentine’s day – whether you’re single or in a relationship

By Cassandra Cipparone, Contributing Blogger

Each year, slowly but surely as February rolls around little reminders of Valentine’s Day start to trickle in. Hints of the romantic holiday become plastered on movie screens, stores are littered with heart shape décor and suddenly ads for boxes of chocolate won’t stop popping up on your Instagram feed. Little phrases like “show that special someone you care” or “get your significant other a gift to remember” seem to always be in eyes view.

This year, why not change it up and dedicate this day of love to loving yourself just a little bit more? Whether you are single or in a relationship you deserve to treat yourself because let’s be honest, you are more than worthy of taking time to celebrate you. Sometimes we forget to show ourselves the same love we are always giving others, so here’s some ways we can all be our own Valentine this year.

1. Flowers, flowers and more flowers 

Let’s start with the basics. It wouldn’t be Valentine’s day without a fresh bouquet of flowers. Put on a cute outfit, stop at your local coffee shop to get your favorite drink and buy yourself those natural beauties you know you love. Whether you prop them on your windowsill or display them on your desk, for the next whole week you’ll be reminded that you should always love you. 

2. Pamper Yourself

One of the best ways to honor yourself is to show your body and mind that you care. There are tons of way to Indulge yourself in areas of comfort and kindness, and it is not one size fits all. It could be going the nail salon or booking a spa treatment. It could also mean buying yourself that new book you have been eyeing up or starting that new podcast you have been talking about. Whatever you choose it to be, just make sure it makes you feel good!

3. Try Something New

Growth outside of your comfort zone is a great way to show yourself love. Not only does it stimulate the mind, but it allows us to get one step closer to finding joy in ways we may not have expected. Trying something new can be as elaborate as booking your next travel adventure to as simple as trying a restaurant you haven’t yet been too.

4. Spend Time with Someone You Love

Rather than think of Valentine’s Day as a day devoted exclusively to couples or romance, let’s look at it as a day to indulge yourself in love of all kinds starting with making a connection. As humans, it is important to foster healthy relationships. This could mean planning a great date with a significant other or heading to a friend’s house to share some laughs over a home cooked meal. You could hit up a workout buddy for an intense gym session or call a family member you care about. Whoever you decide to spend some time with, don’t forget to tell them you love them.

5. Cuddle with a Fluffy Friend

If you are an animal lover, you know how much a cuddle session with one can improve your mood. No one adores you as much as your pets do, so show them some appreciate this Valentine’s Day. Grab a seat on the couch, put on your favorite movie and indulge in a snuggle sesh. If you don’t have a pet no worries! You can always head down to a local shelter or animal rescue to see those cute faces and donate some old blankets or treats. Who knows, you may even end up falling in love and bringing one home.

6. Spend the Day Disconnecting

Sometimes the best way to treat yourself is to do absolutely nothing. We live in a world where there is so much hustle and bustle it is easy to get caught up. A huge part of loving yourself is de-stressing and there is no better way to do that than hiding all the to do lists and clearing your schedule for some devoted me time. Take the day to turn off your phone, rest, recharge and focus on feeling good. You could spend some time journaling, reflecting and even affirming in some healthy habits and goals you have for becoming authentically you this year. 

Whether you use these ideas or create your own, make sure you pay attention to your needs this February 14th. Remember, it’s a day to slow down, connect and appreciate yourself and others so spend the day finding your feel good flow. A day of love is a day never wasted, so make sure you allow yourself the kindness you deserve by making this Valentine’s Day the one you finally celebrate you.
